Perfect Placement: The Ultimate Guide To Picking Your Next Tattoo’s Location

Most people don’t know what makes a tattoo placed “correctly” or what makes a design look good on the body. You might know what design or style you want and the general area in which you want it, but how do you really choose?

Whether you have an idea of where you want to get your tattoo or you’re open to suggestions from your tattoo artist, it’s always a good idea to have a consultation with your artist before starting. Allowing them to view and run through your ideas before the design stage ensures everyone is satisfied with the outcome.

Keep reading to learn more about picking your tattoo’s placement and why you should always consult a professional!

Visibility & Hideability

Whether you want your tattoo to be easy to hide or not can impact its placement. For example, a tattoo on the torso, upper arm, or upper leg will be easier to hide than on the forearm or calf.

While tattoo stigmas are starting to change, a tattoo on the hand, face, or neck can change how others see you. People with tattoos in these areas are actually more likely to get stopped at customs and by police, and some licensed venues will not allow them.

Additionally, tattoos on the face, hands, or neck can limit career opportunities, as most corporate jobs will not hire applicants with visible tattoos. If you’re not heavily tattooed (yet) or are still very young, you might want to wait before getting a tattoo in a prominent area.

Consider the Size and Amount of Detail

The size and details of your tattoo should match its placement. It’s easy to see that a large and detailed tattoo just won’t fit right on someone’s wrist or ankle. Even if your artist did cram detailed linework into a small space, the lines would blur together over time, leaving a “blob” of ink.

Be Wary of Your Pain Tolerance

If you’ve come this far, you’ve probably already acknowledged that the tattoo will hurt, but the pain is temporary and worth something that lasts a lifetime.

However, we usually tell newbies to avoid big tattoos or particularly painful areas, like the ribs or armpit. If you’ve never felt the pain of a tattoo before, it can be challenging to prepare for, but by picking a place on the body that hurts less, you’ll have an overall better experience.

Numbing cream can help you through the tattoo if you have a low pain tolerance. It won’t take the pain away entirely, but even the idea of it can make the tattoo easier.

Future Plans & Tattoo Goals

Bodies change over time, which means your tattoos will change, too. If you’re planning on seeing a  client significant change in your body, like major weight loss, pregnancy, or significant muscle gain, a tattoo can become warped as the skin stretches or shrinks.

If you plan on getting more tattoos — like, for example, a full sleeve later down the road — putting a tiny tattoo on your forearm can make that more difficult for your tattoo artist. You’ll probably have to cover up the tattoo or remove it entirely.

Consult With an Expert at Lamar Street Tattoo Club

Lamar Street Tattoo Club, we don’t compromise on the quality or cleanliness of our work. Whether you need some assistance with creating a design or just need to find the perfect tattoo placement, we’re here to help.

Visit Lamar Street Tattoo Club and see why we’re voted the number-one tattoo shop in Dallas. Send us a message, or book your complimentary consultation today!

Contact Us

Lamar Street Tattoo Club
1709 S. LAMAR St.
